
Menstrual Cups - Moon Cups, Diva Cups, Lunnettes and Keepers - are soft, flexible silicon cups which you insert, wash and reuse.

They cost about $35, which might seem steep, but when you think about how much you spend on tampons and pads in a year, it’s not much really.

Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber. It is worn internally like a tampon but collects menstrual fluid rather than absorbing. Unlike tampons the Mooncup is not a disposable product, so you only need to buy one.

Mooncup will hold 30ml of fluid, which is roughly one third of the average total produced each period. A light seal is formed with your vaginal walls allowing your menstrual fluid to pass into the Mooncup without leakage or odour. You will probably find that you need to empty your Mooncup less frequently than you currently replace towels or tampons.

The Mooncup is now available from larger branches of Boots and good independent health food shops.